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英語面接の準備 第4回


7. How does your previous experience relate to this position?
あなたの過去の経験が、どのようにこのポジションに関連していますか ?

I have worked in a similar role and have gained experience and understanding of the skills needed. Furthermore, I have a proven track record of success and have demonstrated an ability to exceed the set targets. My commitment to the industry and strong work ethics can be transferred to this position as can my ability to work in a team, my honesty and loyalty.

8. Why are you interested in this job?
なぜ、この仕事に興味を持っているのですか ?

This position is in a company which is highly regarded in the business community as being a leader in their field. I know I can bring already demonstrated experience and skills to this job which will grow the business.

9. Can you work well under pressure?
プレッシャーがある中で、働くことができますか ?

I have proven in past work that I perform best under pressure and I thrive in a working environment that is demanding. Deadlines are a reality in today’s business world and I enjoy them. My ability to adapt and maintain composure in highly stressful conditions will assist in this environment.
